Corrine Antonette Fisher - Online Memorial Website

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Corrine Fisher
Born in Michigan
79 years
Family Tree
Life story
September 4, 1926
Born in United States Detroit MI on September 4, 1926.
May 28, 2006

Passed away on May 28, 2006 at the age of 79.


Mom was active and healthy until her death--she was not feeling well on the 27th and I was driving her to the hospital to be checked out and as she sat next to me in my vehicle she had a heart attack.

She passed away after midnight.

February 25, 2007

Mom -Lived on Ferry St.


I was a baby and lived here with Mom and Dad I think until I was about 7 Years old.

I remember Mom was always there with me and Dad worked all the time.

Mom always wore dresses and high heels and cleaned the house (that was not dirty) and sewed.  Her brothers would come and visit and they were very close especially Ray and his wife Marion.  I do not think we had a phone so that may be why someone was always visiting.

Mom was sewing clothes for me and my dolls when she was not watching me play outside the house.  We were in a upper flat and it was hard for her to keep a eye on me outside.

She was one of those Moms that had all the kids in the neighborhood at her house.

She would carry my toy tables and chairs, doll cribs and dolls up and down the stairs to the backyard several times a day.

We lived about 4 houses from a corner store and I always had her down there buying me something.  She was a very watchful Mother.

She would alway get me something from the ice cream man (he road a bike)

I can still picture us trying to get down all those stairs to catch him before he rode by.   Eventually he would just stop right in front and wait for us.

I was her first baby and I find out later that she was a very nervous Mother and would not keep me out of her site.

She walked me to kindergarten every day came home and then picked me up.

I hated kindergarten and gave her every fake illness and reason not to go.

She finially decided I did not need kindergarten.

When I look back now I realize that when I was 4 she was pregnant with my brother Terry and how much stress she must have had taking care of my needs and getting ready for the baby.

Terry was a welcome joy to the family.  Mom seemed to be less stressed and let me help with him.  We took him for walks and I finally had someone to play inside with.

In the summer we would walk with the stroller and Mom would push Terry blocks away to a shopping area.   She would even let me sit on the back some time and push both of us.

I found out when I was older that Mom and Dad had a great financial struggle at that time but we were rich with Love and that is all I remember.

One day Mom told me we were moving to a new place to live.  It would not be a upstairs with people living below us but we would be the ones downstairs and Terry and I would have our own bedroom and a new school.


That would be Theadore St.


February 25, 2007

While she was in her singing career she met one of her brother Raymonds friends EDDIE and was quite impressed.   She really had no time for dating so they did not get together right away.

Ed went in the Army and she corresponded with him through the mail.

When he returned home after the war he did convince her to start a relationship.

They dated for awhile and she then decided she definitely was in Love and quit her singing career to marry Ed.


Then I came along in 1948

Most of my childhood I look back on are in chapters of where we lived in Detroit.


My life started while my Mom and Dad lived with Dads Sister Irene and her husband Martin.

This only lasted a short time until they found a rental home on Ferry St. in Detroit.



*Mom was mostly a stay at home Mom and I admire her for that.

Her entire life she was taking care of someone.

She did set out to adventure a part-time job when I was a teen but it did not last to long.  She felt guilty for leaving my brothers and I and my Grandpa Vic all day.


*Marcus St.



February 25, 2007

Corrine was born in Detroit and lived most of her childhood with her Aunts Clara & Stella Lipinski.

She was in "Show Business" at a early age as a singer and dancer under the name of Corrine Dixon.

My only knowledge of these years are from stories she told and pictures.

From the pictures I see her as a lovely child star with curly long hair and a cute smile.  Most of the photos show her in tap shoes and elegant dancing costumes.

She won many sing and dance competitions and even won some with her brother Raymond.

I realized after talks with her she had very little childhood of fun and play but mostly work.  Entertaining, dance and singing brought in most of the money when she did live at home with her Mother.

She expressed to me that she missed her brothers Raymond, Gilbert, Kenneth,Gary and sister Diana when she lived with her Aunts.

The few happy memories she had mentioned where spent with her brothers playing childhood games and the usual sibling fighting. 

Being the only girl for a long time she tried to keep the peace .

Mom told me that when she lived with her Aunts she thought that her Mom just did not want her.  She thought she just wanted her brothers.  When she was at the Aunts house she would pick a number and swing around a pole in front of the house and imagine on that number her Mom would come.  She would change the number over and over but Mom did not come.

She loved her Aunts very much but sometimes needed a Mothers love.

After all that feeling of abandonment she found out later in her life that Mom gave her to the Aunts because they could take better care of her.  They could give her the fancy costumes and dolls she loved so much.  If only she would have known this sooner! 

Her teens and early twenties where mostly singing in clubs under the Corrine Dixon name.   The professional photos show a classy beautiful woman.

She told stories of traveling the area nightclubs and even went to a home of some well to do lady to sing for her.  She entertained with DANNY THOMAS before he was famous and many newspaper clipping prove she defiantly was a STAR in her era.

There are still 78 records of her beautiful voice to this day.


February 26, 2007

Mom-lived on Theodore St.


Mom was happy to be in a downstairs Flat. We always lived near relatives and now we were near Grandma and my Moms step Dad, My Dads sister, Grandpas (step dad) Sister and of course the others were not more then 5 blocks away.

Mom sent us to Catholic school.  She was a devote Catholic and walked me and later Terry to School.  She then arranged for a neighbor to drive us every Morning.  Her day consisted on keeping a eye on us, cooking and enjoying her new hobby of plants.  I was lucky enough to be around many times while she would be tinkering with something and singing away.  To this day I know so many songs of the early years only from the memories of Mom singing them. 

At one point in time Dad work afternoons and did not get home until after midnight, sometime he would bring home Barbeque ribs for he and Mom to snack on.  I would try to stay awake so bad when I knew the ribs were coming because he would call Mom and ask if I were awake.  She would say "Yes, bring that tuna sandwich"  I did not like ribs so he would bring me a tuna sandwich to sit and snack with them.  Sometime I would fall asleep before he got home but I still got my sandwich.

We loved just being together.

One day Mom told Terry and I that we were going to have a New sister or brother.

The day Mark came home from the hospital  of the family came to visit.

Terry and I became more independent but Mom was always there for us.  She would worry if we were traveling to far from the house or if we were doing well in school.   Once again she was the Mom that always had the kids in the neighborhood at her house.


One day Mom said we were moving again but this time it would be one big house-no one upstairs from us and no one downstairs from us.  Just one big house with our own back yard.


We were moving to Marcus St.


March 11, 2007

Mom-Lived on Martin Rd


Mom Dad Terry and Mark went on to Martin Rd and I moved to a apartment.

Mom got me through my pregnancy and we talked every day this was new to me and I considered her and Dad the experts.   She also got my 2 brother through teen years.

I finially gave Mom and Dad a grandson and they were so happy.  I saw things in them I never imagined.  I saw my Dad smile everyday and the couple that used to complain about to many toys were buying toys weekly.  They would have to take turns holding him and were full of advice.   They would look for excuses for me to visit or find some way to babsit.   They were so happy and loving.

Dad started to not feel well and Mom was worried because he never complained.

She went back and forth to doctors with Dad and many days stressed because he would go to work not feeling well.

When he had to be hospitalized she was there everyday with him and everyday had a message for Chris from him.

My husband worked nights and I did not have a car or drive so it was hard for her.

My brothers would drive her back and forth  to the hospital and she would try and come home with a smile and encouragement.

In 1972 Dad passed away and it took a tole on Mom.  She had to get a job and take care of my brothers alone.  She had to try and save the house and make enough money for the mortgage alone. She was over whelmed and had a break down.

She over came all negative events and through it all was there for her family and friends.  When she was better she put on a happy face and went on to enjoy all the Holidays

She thrived on her Grandson Chris for years-She was there for him through his life.  She loved taking him to events that he loved and played games with him and had many toys that she played with him with that he will always remember.  He would spend his entire summer over "Grans" house becasue she was his best friend.  She even took him to wrestling events and enjoyed anything he did.

Eventually when Chris was older there were and New Grand children to come along.   Mom was involved with everyone of them sharing in their life.  She thrived on special events , holidays, friends, bingo, plants, and a kind word from anyone.  She always had a elfish smile and her heart out for everyone.

She never asked for material goods but was always so grateful for anything she recieved.   I recently found many cards from friends and family that she saved for years.

I spoke with her almost everyday and we shopped, laughed and cried TOGETHER,  she seemed healthy , I took her to the doctor regularly.  She was in the best of spirits  after eye surgery that improved her sight 100%-She had many friends and was active in the church.

She called one day and said she was not feeling well.  I questioned her and she tried to convince me she was okay.   I got a call that my Brother-in-law was on his way to the hospital with a heart attack so on the way to the hospital I called Mom to see how she was and she said "Better"  I told her if she could not get a hold of me it was because I was at the hospital and my cell phone might not work so don't worry about me.

Minutes after my Brother-In -Law passed away I recieved a call from my Niece Kelli that Mom called my brother to stay with her because she was not feeling well. I left and went right to Mom's house. We convinced her to go get checked at hospital and then stay at my brothers house I would be busy the next couple days with my Brother-in-law plans) she agreed. she seemed tired but other then that okay.  I did know something had to be wrong though for her to call and say she was not well.  It was not like her to ask someone to come over there.

She even scolded my brother for trying to help her up into my vehicle.  She was perfectly capable  "I got in this van many times" she said "I don't need help"

We chatted a little on the way , I told her about my brother-in-law and scolded her for wanting a cigarette.   I told her I was going to make her quit after I saw what it did to my brother-in-law.

I questioned her about what "just now feeling right" meant because for her to agree to go to the hospital I knew something more was going on.

When I was almost to the hospital she grabbed her arm and said something and passed out.

I called 911 for a escort but I never stopped driving,  I stayed on the phone with 911 while yelling to Mom that I would get her help and I Loved Her. I was there in a minute and beat the police car.  My brother Mark and Sister-in-law Sandi were  following in their vehicle.

A short time later I was let into the room and my Mom laid before me unconcious.

The family was some how notified and came to the hospital.

A few hours later she died with all the people she loved and all that loved her by her side.. ............... to be at peace and Loved forever.

March 11, 2007

Mom lived on Marcus X 2


I think Mom was most content during her life when she lived on Marcus.

The fact that most of the enjoyable stories later in life or funny things that happened to her began with "On Marcus" leads me to believe this.

We moved into a rental house and Mom became the Peace Keeper of all the old people that lived around her.  Everyone confided in her and asked for help with their problems.

Having older neighbors on both sides I think Mom found comfort in someone else needing her just as much as her real family.

Food and gossip was passing hands all the time.

Mom liked the fact that most of the neighborhood was polish and Slovak so she got to talk the little polish she knew to the neighbors sometime.

She was respected and well liked by everyone.

Family and all of her kids friends were always around.  I remember one Mom of my brothers friends even once asked Mom to have a talk with the boy because he would not listen to his own Mom and he was always so well behaved at ours.

Mom liked her plants and had her own little flower garden now.

She used to look out the back door and comment many times on the beautiful tree 2 doors away in the yard.   She said that she always loved trees and that the neighbors tree with the white pom poms was a beauty.

When Mom found out that the people were selling   the house she dreamed it could be hers.  One day she told us we were moving 2 doors down and that Dad was buying the house.  This would mean that we had a house that belonged to us and Mom had her Pom Pom tree.

We walked all the furniture down the street and we even got to stay in the same school.

This period in time was important to me because it was my teen years and I found out that I needed Mom most during this time.  She was alway there waiting for me when I came home from a date and we laughed about what went on or what a jerk the guy turned out to be.

Mom was always there if there were problems at school for my brothers and I also.  She would walk down to the school to stick up for us if we were misjudged or treated unfairly.

I often went to school with notes explaining why I did not have my homework or not to over work me in gym becasue I was sick the day before.

My brothers Friends were always hanging around our house  because Mom kept a eye open and let them know if she disapproved of anything.  I think they actually were seeking the disipline they did not get at home.

Mom would work around the house or in the garden but was always bathed and dressed with her lipstick on before Dad got home at 6 o'clock.   Every day dinner was on the table at 6  for us.  

Mom liked to make crafts and my Grandma would take orders from the neighborhood bars and sell them for Mom.

I remember the feather bird cages that were Moms project for awhile.  She made so many that you would be watching T.V and a tiny feather would float slowly by.  You never could get rid of all of them.

Mom used to like to go to my Uncle Gary & Aunt Nancys house to play cards about once a week and on the weekends we would have Uncle Ray and Aunt Marion over with my cousins or everyone would meet and Grandma's.

Mom Loved Family.   They always lived within a few blocks of each other.

When I met a guy I was serious about Mom would invite him Over to play board games and we would stay up late laughing and talking.

Mom even got a part-time job at Sears one year right before Christmas because she wanted to buy my Dad a rifle that he saw in a catalog and commented how nice it was.  Dad was never one to ask for anything so she determined and happy to hear he actually found something he liked.   She worked long enough to by us gifts and Dad the rifle.   I complained about having to babysit the brothers and feed Grandpa that came over for dinner everyday and Mom decided to quit.  Dad was not happy with her working either.

Dad got his rifle at Christmas and was thrilled but they both decided it was a waste of money for something he would never use and took it back.

She was a determined woman and proved it.

The neighborhood began to get bad and Mom was worried for her children's safety.

Eventually I decided to get married so at the same time Mom ,Dad Terry and Mark went on to another neighborhood I moved into a apartment with my new husband.

I had Mom grandson Chris and

Mom Moved to Martin rd.  In Ferndale

February 3, 2008



In May it will be  2 years since Mom went to Heaven.   We all miss her so much and many things are not the same without her.    How she would have loved playing with her GREATGrandson James.  In our hearts we know SHE sent him to us.


LOVE NEVER DIES it just goes on.

April 17, 2008



Mother-Grandma-Mother in law-Friend-Sister-Aunt